Wednesday, June 15, 2011

iOS Post-PC Features Missing

In the recent WWDC keynote, Steve et al had mentioned embracing the post-PC world, or using mobile devices like the iPad instead of a laptop/desktop to do your day to day work. And for the most part this is possible, when it comes to creating documents, viewing content, even creating websites and publishing them.  But there are a few pieces missing that would make it possible for me to give up my PC in lieu of my iPad.  So here is a wish list I have for iOS:

  1. iPhoto Publishing: Now, when I talk about publishing in iPhoto, I don't mean publishing to the web, or even syncing to the cloud, as will be available in the Fall with iOS 5.  No, what I am talking about is creating books, calendars, and cards from iPhoto on an iOS device, and submitting it to Apple to have it published.  This is an essential tool, at least to my wife, and something that is keeping her from being able to give up her PC for the iPad.  I don't think this would be a hugely difficult tool to add either, though it would essentially be on the scale as Garageband or iMovie for iPad.  But it's a feature I would like to see, as would my wife.  It was also a conversion point for my wife, as she loves scrapbooking, but found she didn't have enough time to get pages done the way she really wanted. 
  2. Xcode for iPad:  Another feature that I would love to see, though I doubt I can expect it because of the scope, is Xcode, or at least an Xcode editor.  Often I find it inconvenient to pull out my MacBook Pro to start working on code while commuting, and would find it far more useful to pull out an iPad (takes less space in cramped seating than a clamshell laptop).  It would also allow for editing on the fly.  Add iCloud support for Xcode or SVN support in Xcode for iPad, and it would allow me to edit my code with any device, make my changes, and then finish it up on a more robust device when I have the time.  That would be very convenient.  
  3. Microsoft Office for iPad:  While I'm getting to love Pages, Keynote, and Numbers on my iPad, Microsoft Office is still the dominant office suite in the business world.  Because of this, it would be in Microsoft's best interest to release a version of their software for the iPad (perhaps in conjunction with a Windows Phone 7 release?).  Do I think they ever will?  Nope, they want you to get a tablet with Windows 8 on it.  It's a pity though, because that is a lot of potential revenue for their software just waiting in the wings.  
  4. Video Chat for Skype:  This shouldn't be that hard, and though I like the idea of FaceTime now being available through 3G with iOS 5, I'd like additional options.  Of course, it could just dry up now that Microsoft purchased it.  

So that's my small list.  Is there anything out there that you would like to see in the post-PC world?  It doesn't matter what platform, as ultimately these features could be available to all.  

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