Thursday, July 23, 2009

Social Networking In Action: Help for a Friend

Today I heard about a tragedy amongst my friends:  Jared Perry, a friend of mine from as far back as Elementary School, has suffered a terrible accident and is on a long road to recovery.  His family and friends are gathering items to sell for the benefit of the family, and set up an account at Cyprus Credit Union for any cash donations for those who want to help the family. 

The news I got from my good friend Joseph, who contacted me through AIM.  I heard that Jared had an accident, and the family needed assistance.  I didn't know the details, so I posted on Twitter to ask any of my friends there if they have heard anything.  Since Twitter posts to my Facebook page where most of my school friends are, I heard from Erin that Jared survived the accident, is getting better, but has a long road to recovery. 

I've often wondered why social networking was of any use.  Mostly I use my Blog to post my opinions, use Twitter to communicate my daily boring routine, and use Facebook to make fun of family members and waste time when bored. Never before have I had to use the tools I often neglect to follow a tragedy or disaster.  But with this new experience, I have come to respect the tools I have at my disposal. 

If any of you know Jared Perry and have anything you can donate to help the family, contact Shelby at shelbyahudson at msn dot com.

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