Tuesday, January 15, 2008

MacWorld Keynote Today! Anticipated Ultra-Thin Macbook Expected

Yes, the highly anticipated Keynote is scheduled for today, with high expectations for Apple to announce new and wild releases. The one thing that I really wanted, the iPod Slate, looks to not be one of them, according to Apple Insider. It seems that the PDA/UMPC is still not ready, either from a design or market standpoint. Instead, all weight has been thrown behind the new ultra-mobile Macbook, which is expected to be priced at $1,500. Wired's Gadget Lab has a post regarding the new device, but doesn't mention pricing or availability (but it will soon be made public, if real).

It has all the features I am looking for in a notebook replacement (like the iPod Slate), because it is thin, highly portable, and has a full version of the OS. It's also rumored (or more like wildly guessed) to have 3G built into it, either through UMTS or WiMAXX (or both). It's a great little device, but my total conversion will come at price (assuming everything about it will be true). Make it the least expensive Macbook, and I'll be sold. ^_^

So, until then, I am counting down to the keynote, while working to prepare for various classes I am teaching. It's fun to guess at what Apple is going to release, but even more fun to learn what really does get released. Until then, it's business as usual (with just a little bit of high expectation ^_^).

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